Tuesday, February 1, 2011

HEY!!!!! Where did you go????

So I'm sitting here in a cafe in my little city of Brisbane, Australia.. finally catching up on this blog. And boy does it feel good!! Oh music how I have missed you!! Well you may be wondering why I just suddenly up and disappeared? (Or you don't realllyyyy care but this is the part that leads into the part where I tell you anyway). Well I didn't really 'leave'... if this blog was a window into my house you would have seen a crazy little lady screaming and yelling at her macbook. Why? Because it crashed. It decided one day that hey, why not just NOT turn on. Jesse doesn't need me. Yea THANKS MACBOOK.

So why not just fix it?

I'm a solo blogger in this little endeavour of mine, I also manage a retail store and I'm a student. I blog on bus's, trains, at 2am when I should be in bed... basically in between everything else that is my life. The problem with a broken macbook is that there isn't a Mac Doctor on bus's and trains, or in my bed at 2am ... [pause] ... so basically it took a while to fix. So stay with me, I'm sure most of you will have already come across most of the content in the next few posts through other blogs, but I still want to post good music. It's not about being the first to post it, or being on top of the absolute newest stuff, it's just about bringing you good music... under any and all circumstances.

Long story short. I'M SORRY CREATIVE PEOPLE. But I'm back. Just wanted to drop in, write a little novel, say happy new year and send a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who reads the blog. I started this to expose good music and amazingly talented artists and so I thank every single person who views the blog, posts links, retweets etc for helping me share it all with the world!!

Thank you to all the artists sharing my posts (even if it is only when it's about them haha) and also a big thank you to all the other blogs doing the same... at the end of the day we are all doing this because we love music and since I started this I have been shown nothing but love!

Ok she's done with the diary entry... ENJOY 2011 everyone!

Don't forget, follow Culture Creative blog on Twitter: @CultrCreatv or come find yours truly for a chat: @JesseKuss

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